
目前顯示的是 11月 19, 2021的文章


Movie Quote 語錄: 好厲害啊! Amazing 那很厲害呢 That's amazing! 台上一分鐘,台下十年功。 Ten years of hard work to perfect a minute on stage. 你背熟一兩首外語歌傍身。 不一定讀書好才有前途,對吧? 獨自一人寂寞的夜晚 on this lonesome night. 就只能禱告? I can only pray. 沒大問題,可以治癒的。 不太現實? 獨立發展 solo No way! 不肯。 你們兩個是我聽過 You twoare the most talented 最具實力,而且最具冠軍相的。 and it's clear to me that you will win this thing. 客氣了 That's too kinds... 有開嗓秘方? A recipe for opening up vocal cords. 有 Sure. 澎大海 Boat-fruited Scaphium Seed. 溫水… With warm water. 明白 Get it. 知道,我一定會把聲音保護好 I'll take good care of my voice. 好,再見 Thank you, goodbye. 前輩提攜後輩是天經地義的事 大驚小怪 It's no big deal. 先打個招呼 Go say hi first. 別管了 Never mind. 你沒事吧? Are you okay? 還好 Not bad. 每個都是音樂天才 All musical geniuses. 有九個都輸在自己不專心 nine of them fail because they lose their focus. 浪費了自己 Their talents want to waste. 考慮清楚 Think about it. 你先顧好自己吧 Worry about yourself first. 做事不要沒交代 Don't go AWOL on him. 但你要學會保護自己 But you have to learn to protect yourself. 和保密 and to keep it private. 卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍...


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德國古典哲學家_黑格爾名言 (Hegel Quotes)

百善孝為先 英文 Hundreds of good filial piety first

