
目前顯示的是 7月 9, 2024的文章

㊙️當一個人寫東西時,幾乎不可能不完全專注,你不能手在寫這件事,心裡卻想著另一件。所以對於你想看到的世界,與其用想的,你要把它寫下來。(focus - pay attention)

㊙️當一個人寫東西時,幾乎不可能不完全專注,你不能手在寫這件事,心裡卻想著另一件。所以對於你想看到的世界,與其用想的,你要把它寫下來。 ◼️ (歐美劇)語錄2024_0708 女: How were you actually feeling when you opened that door? 在打開那扇門時,你真實的感覺是什麼? 男: I was feeling overwhelmed. 我感到不知所措 The pressure 那壓力 I got it. 我懂了 I get it. All right. let's move on. 我明白了,好了,我們繼續吧 男: You pick the next door. 下一扇門由你來選 女: Taking time to emotionally requlate ourselves is a calculated investment In both of us continuing to live. 花時間調節自己的情緒,是對我們倆繼續活下去的,一種有計畫投資。 You can't lie to this thing. It knows. 你騙不了這東西,它會知道的 男: No. I love that, but I can't have them around 'cause Charlie has an allergy. 不是,我超愛這個,但我不能買,因為查理對花生過敏。 Well. 這麼說吧 maybe they found their dream worlds. 也許他們找到了自己的理想世界 ◼️ 女: I don't even wanna know what happened here. 我甚至不想知道這裡發生了什麼事 男: Works for me. 我也一樣 ◼️ A little more complicated than that. 情況稍微複雜些 That is the theory. Yeah. 理論上是這樣,沒錯 ◼️ B: And I logged into the system. 我就登錄了系統 and I found this. 並發現這個 Some other version. 別的版本的我 A: 那些究竟是什麼東西? What do you m...


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德國古典哲學家_黑格爾名言 (Hegel Quotes)

百善孝為先 英文 Hundreds of good filial piety first

