
目前顯示的是 8月 15, 2024的文章

就算沒人相信,真相依然是真相;就算所有人都信,謊言依然是謊言。─《登月大計畫》 (Fly Me to the Moon)歐美電影

《登月大計畫》 (Fly Me to the Moon) (歐美電影)語錄2024_0814 A: Are there really aliens out there? 真的有外星人嗎? B: They walk among us. 外星人就生活在我們中間 ◼️ the first words as man steppes foot on the moon. 人類踏上月球時的第一句話 A small step for man, a giant leap for mankind. 這是個人的一小步,卻是人類的一大步 And a day that can never come again. 這一天不會再有了 A day that shall forever live in history, as will those words. 這一天和這一句話將永遠載入史冊 which will be memorized by schoolboys. 會被學生們記住 ◼️ I didn't wanna lose it in there. You know? 我不想在裡面失控 but, man, seeing that was... 但是,天啊,看到那畫面 It was life-changing. 足以改變人生 ◼️ 男: I wonder where they got a crazy idea like that. 真不知道這種瘋狂的想法是從哪來的 女: Who cares what they think? 誰在乎他們想啊? Truth is still the truth even if nobody believe it. 就算沒人相信,真相依然是真相 Lie is still a lie even if everybody believes it 就算所有人都信,謊言依然是謊言 男: You know, you really nailed this. 你這次做得真完美 ────────────── ▼常用【特殊符號】 ▶閱讀完整內容 ▶敬請閱讀完整內容🙏 ㊙️〇◎☯○● ⊘ ■☐☑【】 🎯☉ ☮︎ ♾︎ ☸△ ⚠︎ ∵  ∴ ⚅ 六度 ⓪①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ 【人物角色】關鍵 緣份 關係 ★ A:B:C:法則 男:女: 甲:乙: 父:子: 母:女: 師:生: ...


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德國古典哲學家_黑格爾名言 (Hegel Quotes)

百善孝為先 英文 Hundreds of good filial piety first

