
目前顯示的是 8月 30, 2021的文章


語錄, 翻譯, 中英對照, 每個故事都有一個開篇 Every story has a beginning. 最近發生了一些很特殊的事情 Something extraordinary has happened. 我能聽見別人的想法 I can hear people's thoughts. 也許經歷了一些瘋狂的事 You know, maybe its taken something crazy. 才讓我們對生活心懷感激 to make us thankful for what we have. 我們面對的問題不再是平凡的了 The problems we face may no longer be ordinary. 你需要一個老巢? 你沒發現嗎? Don't you see? 我終於能做些不一般的事了 I can finally make a difference. 這是關鍵 That's the key. 我需要有關(哲學)的書籍 我知道,這很瘋狂,對吧 I know. It's crazy, right? 但當我看這些課本時 But when I look at theas textbooks. 或當我看到數學題目時 or I see a math problem. 我都能看懂 I-I just get it. 有時我甚至不知道什麼意思 Somethings I don't even know what it means. 也不能長時間記住它們 and I can't remember it for very long. 但我就是知道這些我過去不知道的東西 but I just know things that I've never known before. 成交 Deal 還有些事情得做一點改變 那你們是從哪獲得的力量呢? Then where did you get your powers? 搞定了 It's done. 樂此不疲啊 Never get tired of that. 時間不等人 The clock's ticking.


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【秘藏】 一切諸佛秘藏之法



德國古典哲學家_黑格爾名言 (Hegel Quotes)

百善孝為先 英文 Hundreds of good filial piety first

