
目前顯示的是 12月 20, 2021的文章


他看到了神奇的事 精神決定物質 那看起來你沒有這種習慣? 卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍 前情提要 歐美劇語錄 我不是很有經驗 How is that possible? -這怎麼可能? I don't know. -我不知道 I can't explain why 我解釋不了為什麼 but everything that's happened to me 但是在我身上發生的事 it's been leading up to this. 引領我發現了這個 任何人都會這樣反應的 只是一個普通人 當然,你有可能會死 現在最不需要的就是這個 Right,yeah, sure, Good point  對,你說的有道理 Unbelievable 難以置信 What's going on? 怎麼回事? Oh,my God. 我的天啊 Come on. Go,go,go,go. 快點,快跑啊 Mom 媽 I don't know. But we need to look into him. 我不知道。但我們得小心點他 我們會挺過這一關的 I know how it sounds, okay? 我知道聽起來很不現實 I'm not even sure I believe it myself. 我甚至不確定我自己也相信 But maybe we can provide it. 但也許我們可以證明一下 How? 怎麼證明? I have an idea. 我有個主意 And if you're wrong. 如果你錯了呢? You've wasted a couple hours. 你浪費了幾個小時而已 But if I'm right, you'll have made a hell of a discovery. 但如果我是對的,你就有了重大發現 That doesn't provide anything. 那不能代表什麼的 There's a connection there. I can feel it. 肯定有關係的,我能感覺到 Doesn't take a genius. 不需要特別留意就能看出來 發生事故,一切都變了 You got my word. 我保證...


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德國古典哲學家_黑格爾名言 (Hegel Quotes)

百善孝為先 英文 Hundreds of good filial piety first

