
目前顯示的是 10月 19, 2021的文章


玄一語錄 Taiwan  AQ84000 Quote 語錄: That's a good omen right there,right? 這是個好兆頭,對吧? You're not taking me seriously. 你沒把我當回事 Listen,dreams make good stories, 聽著,夢想造就好故事 but everything important happens when we're awake 但重要的事,發生在我們醒著的時候 because that's where we make things happn 因為那是我們讓事情發生 I need you by my side  我需要你在我身邊 we'll face enonmous danger. 我們將面臨巨大的危險 What danger? 什麼危險? He sets the stage for a war. 他為戰爭埋下伏筆 tap the true power. 真正力量 We could be stronger than ever. 我們可以比以往任何時候都更強大 What does that mean? 那是什麼意思? Keeping in their place? 保持~在他們的位置上? We need to cultivate desert power. 我們需要培養(沙漠)力量 learn what I do. 學習我的工作 I must not fear.  Fear is the mind-killer. 我不能害怕,恐懼是心靈殺手 Fear is the little-death that brings total obligation. 恐懼是小小的死亡, 這帶來了完全的抹殺。 01:53:24/02:28:56 See that friend. 去見那個朋友 The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve. 生命的奧秘, 不是一個需要解決的問題。 But a reality to experience. 而是要經歷的現實。 A process that cannot be understand by stopping it. 無法理解的過程,通過阻止它? We mus...


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【秘藏】 一切諸佛秘藏之法



德國古典哲學家_黑格爾名言 (Hegel Quotes)

百善孝為先 英文 Hundreds of good filial piety first

