
目前顯示的是 12月 30, 2022的文章

歐美劇語錄 30

歐美劇語錄2022_1230 It's kind of like panning for gold 跟淘金有點像 Sometimes you find a nugget. 運氣好就能挖到金塊 He knows right from wrong. 他能分清對錯 Why now? 為什麼是現在? We're using our head. You ever read The Art of War? 我們拼的是腦筋,你讀過孫子兵法嗎? Quote, the greatest victories are obtained with out battle. 孫子言:不戰而勝,善之善者 End quote. We're gonna use our heads. 所以,開動腦筋的時刻來了 Just in case. 行吧,但是以防萬一 Trying to break the cycle. 我覺得該打破循環了 It's on the list. 那是待辦事項嗎? The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 敵人的敵人就是我的朋友 《孫子兵法》 Si, what's your story? 你有什麼故事? What you see is what you get. 所見即所得 That's my lucky number. 那可是我的幸運數字啊 What is it good for? 有什麼好處? Be myself. 做我自己 Stanger things have happened. 更離奇的事情也發生過 Let's keep a good thought, okay? 我們樂觀點,好嗎? ______________________________ 標籤: 自由女神像,風車,名人堂,

歐美劇語錄 29

歐美劇語錄2022_1229 You haven't made squat. 你哪裡有什麼成就? 你只是欺騙了上層社會的那些人,但他們不是你的朋友, Sooner or later they will see through you. 他們遲早會看穿你的真面目 A siren can never change her scales. 江山易改,本性難移 你有一個週末的時間道別 He was so excited to finally make a real friend. 他很開心總算能交到一個真正的朋友 Guess you never know what's going through someone's mind. 你永遠不知道,別人腦子裡會閃過什麼想法? You don't say… 真想不到 The suicide note says he felt guilty about an old case. 遺書中說他對一件舊案心懷愧疚 Says he covered it up. 說他掩蓋了真相 and has been living with guilt all these years. 這麼多年來一直背負著罪惡感 我和他還沒定義我們的關係 Well, that is a disappointment. 真令人失望 That's me. 我就是這樣 A huge disappointment. 讓人極度失望 I have no idea. 我不知道 How can I help you? 有什麼事嗎? My life flashed before my eyes. 我的一生在眼前閃過 ●重點是你教會了我如何堅強和獨立,如何在一個充滿背叛和偏見的世界中,自己找到出路, You are the reason I understand how imperative it is that I never lose sight of myself. 是你讓我明白,永遠不要迷失自我,是多麼重要。所以作為一個父親,我覺得你已經很稱職了 We need to talk. 我們需要談談 Don't you find the timing convenient. 你不覺得時機有點巧合嗎? This may come as a sho...


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德國古典哲學家_黑格爾名言 (Hegel Quotes)

百善孝為先 英文 Hundreds of good filial piety first

