
目前顯示的是 11月 10, 2021的文章


玄一的傳說啊,講都講不完。 等你長大了,自然就會了解的? 我的故鄉,有一個神龍, 它是我們的保護神 當你領悟了… 你就可以做很多了不起的事情 You can do some amazing things. 但是,我得到的更寶貴 But what I got return is so much better. 這個給你 I want you have this. 如果有一天你迷路了 Whenever you feel lost. 它會幫你找到回家的路 This will help you find your way home. 記住了嗎? Can you remember that? 意思是也許到了某個時候 That maybe there's a point 你就該停止四處兜風享樂 where you're supposed to stop going on joyrides  並開始考慮發揮自己的潛能 and stay thinking about living up to your potential. Look. 聽著 We're now living in a world. 我們現在生活著的這個世界 where at any moment. 一半的人口 half the population can just disappear. 隨時可能消失 Life's too short and too fragile. 生命如此短暫,如此脆弱 You've always been the most talented people I know. 你們是我認識的人裡最有才華的 We make a good team. 合作愉快。 2021-1110-0000 沒有長生不老的魔法, 但有不老不死的佛法。 標籤: 神龍 powerful 厲害


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德國古典哲學家_黑格爾名言 (Hegel Quotes)

百善孝為先 英文 Hundreds of good filial piety first

