
目前顯示的是 5月 17, 2022的文章


歐美電影語錄2022_0517 Well, I read an old quotation in a book just yesterday. 我昨天在一本書上讀到一句老話 Said"Gonna reap just what you sow 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。 The debts you make You have to pay 你欠下的債你必須償還 Can you get to that 你能做到嗎? I believe this says 我相信這上面說 They'll come true in the end. 它們最終會變成現實 As Laozi says 正如老子說 "here" 是 "catch" 的同義詞 Well, “here"  is a synonym for "catch"  In a colloquial kind of way, yes , it is. 從口語的角度來說,是的 That is also an option 這也是一個選擇 That's a thing. 這就是問題所在 We need to call for help 我們需要打電話求救 然後離開了現場 Did you try to calling her? 你給她打電話了嗎? Where's my magnifier? 我的放大鏡呢? 你知道最諷刺的是什麼嗎?我以為所有人中你最清楚, not to judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人 Judge a book by its cover model. 以封面模特來判斷一本書 即使我們不在這裡,這也有可能發生 財富並不是物質的 No, it would need a better title than that. 不,它需要一個更好的標題 我願意考慮其他的建議 卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍 道德經


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【秘藏】 一切諸佛秘藏之法



德國古典哲學家_黑格爾名言 (Hegel Quotes)

百善孝為先 英文 Hundreds of good filial piety first

