
目前顯示的是 11月 11, 2021的文章


Movie English Quote We all have oursevrets. 我們都有自己的秘密 So,this is it. 就這樣了? This is it. 這是它 How will I know that you're oky? 我怎麼知道你沒事? You won't. 你不會 You'll never see me again. 你再也見不到我了 No one must see what you are doing. 不能讓任何人看到你在做什麼 Now it's done. 現在完成了 What do I do with it? 我該拿它做什麼? Well, isn't this a surprise. 這不是一個驚喜嗎? It's really nice to meet you. 很高興見到你 I've heard a lot ai you. I mean, I'm a huge fan. 久仰大名,我是說,我是你的超級粉絲。 I need a favor, brother. 我需要你幫個忙,兄弟。 You didn't get the memo?  I'm retired. 你沒看到備忘錄嗎?我退休了 And what does that mean? 這意味著什麼? Is there somewhere quiet where we can tay in private? 有安靜的地方我們可以私下談談嗎? Ah... It's a good life. 這是一種美好的生活 Sir 長官 located 找到 007 wants a word. 想和你談談 Well done. 幹得好 Clear 清楚 Granted. And thank you for asking. 理所當然,謝謝你的關心 By the book, sir. 遵紀守法,先生 To be fair. 說句公道話 他們會遭受極大的痛苦, Scarred him for life. 給他留下了終身的創傷。 So, you know, do you best. 所以,你知道,盡你最大的努力。


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德國古典哲學家_黑格爾名言 (Hegel Quotes)

百善孝為先 英文 Hundreds of good filial piety first

