(歐美電影)語錄2024_0713 The kingdom where all your favourite fairly tales are true. 每個你最愛的童話成真的地方 B: and to ensure a seamless transition. 為了確保順利交接 I have a list. 我列了一份清單 -color-coded by priority. 依輕重緩急標上顏色 A: My first order of business will be making sure kids. 我第一件工作就是要確定 B: Oh, well, that's already our school policy. 校規本來就是這麼規定了 天地君親師 順天者昌 順天者逸 天靈靈 地靈靈 逆天者亡 逆天者勞 叫天天不靈 叫地地不靈 人生如戲 戲如人生 人生就是一場戲 所以 你是照上天的遊戲規則 還是你自己的遊戲規則? 天作孽猶可為 自作孽不可活 天災頻傳 人禍不斷 西方世界從小就你殺盜淫妄酒 因為迷惑造業,所以必定受苦 ◼️ I'm a lost cause. 沒救了 And the thing I'm most proud of is that you're such a good person. 我最驕傲的是你這麼善良 Are you gonna try on or what? 你不先試看看嗎? 品德高尚 It's up to me? 讓我決定? But if I've learned anything, it's this. 但要說我學到了什麼,那就是 If you accept, this invitation shall serve as your key. 如您接受,此邀請函將作為通行鑰匙 Just grow a heart? 終於長出良心了? Oh, you have so much to learn. 你要學的可多了 ◼️ Some people act mean at first 'cause they're too afraid to feel. 有些人起初使壞只是太害怕感受 It's survival, it's protection That'